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Here, you can find a selection of my previous projects, which include video game translation, subtitling, LQA, and proofreading work. Some are still under NDA, but I hope I can give you a little taste of what’s to come. I hope to see your game here soon!


Eternal Strands

Work: Game Translation
Volume: 25,000 words
Genre: Fantasy RPG

This game was a joy to work on. The reference material I received and the communication with the client and my colleagues were wonderful. I especially enjoyed that the game not only had non-binary characters, but the client also wanted the whole localization to use gender-inclusive language. This is always a challenge in German, one that I happily accepted.

Echoes of the Plum Grove (2024)

Work: Translation  
Volume: 15,000 words
Genre: Cozy Farming Game
Platform: PC/Steam

This cozy and, at times, macabre farming game was a pleasure to translate. The whimsical lines left room for creativity, while the inclusion of a non-binary pronoun option for all characters was a welcome challenge.

You can read more about the game here.

logo of the video game Echoes of the Plum Grove
cover of the video game Millennia

Millennia (2024)

Work: Translation
Volume: 190,000 words
Genre: Strategy
Platform: PC/Steam

This turn-based strategy game offers countless possibilities to change the course of history. Working on such a large project with only one other colleague was a thrill and a challenge. I immensely enjoyed exploring historical themes from the dawn of humankind to a utopian or dystopian future with my translation. You can read more about the game here.

Lotus Sports Club (2023)

Client: International Human Rights Film Festival Nuremberg
Work: Subtitle Translation with Template (EN > DE)
Volume: 72 Minutes
Genre: Documentary

The movie follows young trans athletes in the under-21 women’s soccer team of Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia. The film's original language is Khmer, and I was tasked to do a pivot translation from English to German. Telling queer stories is very important to me, especially if it offers such a unique and optimistic perspective. You can read more about the movie here.

cover of the LGBT movie Lotus Sports Club

Mystery Project 

Work: Translation  
Volume: 40,000 words
Genre: Visual Novel/Dating Sim

I had the pleasure of working with an exceptional team of translators on this game. Translating the well-written dialogues and the queer and quirky dating elements was a wonderful experience.

symbol mystery video game project under NDA

Mystery Project

Work: Translation
Volume: 9,000 words
Genre: JRPG

I had the pleasure to translate many dialogues for this game and keep track of a huge cast of characters and how they address each other. The team was also a delight to work with.

Mystery Project 

Work: Translation & Transcreation  
Volume: 17,000 words
Genre: JRPG

This project was a thrilling opportunity to work on a franchise that I know and love. I translated many dialogues and enjoyed finding distinct “voices” for each character.

symbol for mystery project under NDA
photo of controller symbolizing LQA services

LQA for Games (German)

Employer: Keywords Studios Montréal
Volume: 20+ Titles
Genre: Strategy, MOBA, Horror, RPG, Puzzle and more
Platform: iOs, Android, PC, Switch, Xbox, PlayStation, Oculus Rift (VR)

Proofreading and Editing for E-Learning (German)

Employer: Pink University
Volume: 15+ Courses
Genre: Leadership Training, Soft Skills, Communication Techniques and more
Platform: PC

checkmark, symbol for proofreading and editing
symbol for marketing texts

Marketing Texts

Volume: 10,000+ words

Over the years, I have translated many small to medium marketing tasks, such as trailers, store texts, or update notifications. This also includes some general software and website translations. 

logo of the video game renaissance kingdom wars

Renaissance Kingdom Wars (2024)

Work: Translation
Volume: 13,000 words
Genre: Grand Strategy
Platform: PC/Steam

Renaissance Kingdom Wars is a Grand Strategy game set in the Renaissance era. It was fascinating to dive deep into the topics of Renaissance politics, warfare, and weaponry.

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